yes Kim K. You look a lil "cray cray"
ughhh! i really am my own worst enemy sometimes. i think too much about everything and that stops me from doing anything. for example, this blog. it was meant to be a way to hone my writing skills and put down on paper (well computer screen) how i feel about topics big and small. the other day, i decided i wanna talk about kim kardashian's new cornrowed hairdoo. i had a lot of witty comments in my head......"you got all that butt and every african-american football player on speed dial. can we at least keep a hairstyle?" and in response to the fact that she took a nap and woke up with this new look..."uhhh, no one sleeps while getting their hair braided..it's one of the top ten pain causing events a black women goes through.....and usually a 8 hour process".
so i have these things i wanna say and i sit at my laptop and freeze. i start thinking about kim kardashian who i really like and who gives me a serious case of butt envy (i mean really if i had that butt, i could probably rule the world!). i don't want to hurt her feelings! i think about all my white good girlfriends....i don't wanna make them uncomfortable! so, i froze. i have been staring at this screen for an hour. you wanna know what i realized? kim kardashian could care less what i think about her and my true friends know my heart. i will stop censoring what i want to say and just write! hey look...i did it!

Is she gonna be the new predator??